Karbon Filitre

Turkcesi calisiliyor Carbon Filter Effective solution to control sulfur based odours Besides being unpleasant,........... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... .....a concern for public health, as they carry gases such as hydrogen sulfide. Carbon Filter or Manhole Odour Controller is an effective and affordable solution to control sulfur based offensive odours emerging from sewer manholes. Carbon Filter with activated c...


AtoMister Elektronik kumanda panosu ve dağıtıcı blokları ile ne miktarda ne kadar basınçla, hangi yöne ve ne aralıklarla dağıtılacağı kolayca ayarlanabilir bir sistemdir. Image: Sample of an AtoMister system with one main control unit (up left), one solution tank (down left), and one spraying nozzle (right) KULLANILDIĞI YERLER Atomister 
sistemi özellikle
 kapalı alan içerisinde bulunan koku ve gaz moleküllerini yok etmek amacıyla kullanılır. 

Çöp kompaktörleri, çöp kamyonları, çöp ...


MistMaster Hidrolik sistem; istenilmeyen kokulara karşı her yerde kullanılabilinir. Image: Sample of a MistMaster system with a main control unit (up left), a concentrate tank, a mixing tank (down), and spraying nozzles on site (right) KULLANILDIĞI YERLER Başırılı bir şekilde istenilmeyen kokulara karşı her yerde kullanılabilinir.

 Bizim uzmanlığımız bilhassa, tamamen yok edilmesi mümkün olmayan koku alanlarında ya da,uygulamaların maliyet bakımından imkansız olduğu durumlarda çöz...


Turkcesi Calisiliyor MisKutu Compact system for ambience enhancement and odour control Image: Sample of a MisKutu system with a main control unit and 5 satellites MisKutu is an innovative air freshener system, developed to control odours and enhance ambiance in public areas. MisKutu effectively combats malodours through its unique blend of “solution” and innovative dispensing system. MisKutu is designed to offer customers a flexible, self-operating, worry-free way to address odour ...

Mobil Sistemler

Turkcesi Calisiliyor Mobile System Effective system for moving sources of odours Image: Sample of a Mobile System with one main control unit and one solution tank (right), and some.... Sometimes, the sources of odours are moving constantly making it difficult for a regular system to be installed and powered. Earthwise Mobile System was proven to be effective in eliminating odours where the sources of odours are moving constantly, such as on garbage trucks or tank trucks. Mo...