Our most innovative system, MisKutu, was manufactured primarily for ambiance enhancement at public gathering areas, such as shopping malls, offices, convention halls, hotels and restaurants. It may also be used indoors anywhere there are odour creating elements, such as waste-holding areas, compactor rooms, storage areas, loading areas, gym facilities. Read More
MistMaster can be successfully used anywhere there are unwanted odours, especially when total elimination of odours is either virtually impossible or costs prohibitive, such as at sewage / wastewater treatment plants, pumping stations, recycling facilities, septic tanks, lagoons, waste transfer stations, landfills, pulp and paper mills. Read More
Atomister was manufactured to control odours for any indoor areas where space and budgetary resources are limited. It may also be used effectively in wells or tanks. Read More
Carbon Filter
Carbon Filter or Manhole Odour Controller is a cost effective solution to control sulfur based offensive odours emerging from sewer manholes. Read More
Mobile System
Mobile System was proven to be effective in eliminating odours where the sources of odours are moving constantly, such as on garbage trucks or tank trucks. Read More
Besides these systems, Earthwise also offers systems that are adaptable to your special needs. Please talk to us if you don’t know which system will work for your site, or if you don’t seem to find the system you’re looking for here. Especially if the odour problems seem severe or challenging to solve, if the areas are complex to install a system, or if you need more than one machine to cover the area but you have a budget constrain, that is what Earthwise for. Please do not hesitate to contact us to help you regain your good neighbour image.