

Hydraulic system for odour control in any large areas (indoor and outdoor)

Image: Sample of a MistMaster system with a main control unit, a concentrate tank, a mixing tank (left photo), and spraying nozzles on site (right photo)

MistMaster can be successfully used anywhere there are unwanted odours, when total elimination of odours is either virtually impossible or costs prohibitive, such as at sewage / wastewater treatment plants, pumping stations, recycling facilities, septic tanks, lagoons, waste transfer stations, landfills, pulp and paper mills.

MistMaster concentrate are set up to be automatically diluted at a desired ratio, ranging anywhere up to 300 ÷ 1. Then, they are misted into the affected environment through special hydraulic nozzles, powered by an automatic-timer controlled panel. With their enzymatic action, the solutions work as a catalyst in the breakdown of waste and grease build up. They attack the odour sources, causing a chemical reaction and inhibit the odour molecule chain. All of our concentrates have neutral PH, are biodegradable and safe to use.
MistMaster is very effective against low level H2S gases.

Time setting
Depending on the need, we will set the system at a recommended timing to operate intermittently or continuously.

We will recommend a natural scent that best suit with the space and types of odours.

For more samples of MistMaster installations, please refer to our Projects page.